Ko Mataatua te Waka
Ko Kakanui te Maunga
Ko Matariwa te Punawai
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Apanui te Iwi
Ko Te Whānau-ā-Te Ehutu te Hapū
Ko Te Kaha te Marae
Ko Puketapu te Turangawaewae
Ko Josephine Puha ahau
Kia Ora!
I'm Jo an Art teacher and māmā based in Rotorua, New Zealand. This series of work has evolved at such a busy time of my life running around after a 7 and 5 year old. Amongst the chaos.....
I strive to connect.
To my creativity, my self, to the world around me, my whakapapa.
I hope you can connect to some aspect of my work and it brings you joy.
Ngā mihi!